Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lesson Plan 10/26-10/30

Wednesday Mass at 9:00 am. I am collecting $4.00 for the Halloween party for Friday. Costumes are not mandatory they are optional, as it is a challenge with the amount of students to take to the bathroom to dress and undress themselves with costumes on, students may wear regular clothes instead. First quarter report cards will be held on November 13th from 1:00pm-6:00pm via zoom and each meeting will only be ten minutes, I will give meeting ID and password once it is closer to the date, via the google classroom for security reasons. There is no early pickup for
appointments etc. If students have an appointment, then the student should sign on remotely as per school rules due to the COVID 19 pandemic.  

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Ordinary time, saints
ELA- Ready Gen finish Unit 2 Module A "Four Seasons Make A Year"
Mathematics- Counting and Cardinality 0-10
Science- Science tools/ living and non living 
Social Studies-  Learning about community

*Remote students- packets are available Tuesday October 27th after dismissal
(Eureka math, extra phonics, and sight word practice worksheets, please follow the homework schedule accordingly)

Monday 10/26
Write each sight word five times in blue hw notebook
Eureka math worksheet lesson 27 and 28 HW 
Ready Gen Phonics book pg. 11 Tam, Please tear out the booklet and have your child read it aloud
Tuesday 10/27
Phonics practice vowel a (double sided page)
Eureka math Lesson 29 hw worksheet
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.13 "I Have", please tear out the booklet and have your child read it aloud
Wednesday 10/28
Eureka math lesson 29 hw worksheet
Ready Gen Phonics book pg.79-80 (please read instructions carefully)
Extra practice phonics sheet consonant Ss
In person students took home a ziplock bag with all the work done thus far from this quarter please review and keep at home
Thursday 10/29
Write a sentence with each sight from this week's list in blue hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 31 HW worksheet
"was" sight word worksheet


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Lesson Plan 10/19-10/23


Sight word assessment this week Thursday for in class students and Friday for remote learners. The sigh word assessment will be with the previous sight words given. Please make sure to review sight words with your children weekly. Ready Gen Unit 1 test on saavas realize will be assigned on Tuesday, students are to complete the assessment by the end of the week Friday. 

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Celebrating God all year long
ELA- Ready Gen finish Unit 1 Module B " A Bed For The Winter" Begin Unit 2 Module A
Mathematics- Counting and Cardinality 0-10
Science- Taking care of our bodies
Social Studies-  Continue learning about families

Remote students may pick up packets Wednesday Oct.21 after dismissal

Monday 10/19
Write the sight words from above five times in blue hw notebook
Eureka Math lesson 22 and lesson 23 hw worksheets
Constant Tt phonics sheet (remote students to be picked up later this week)
Tuesday 10/20
Eureka math worksheet draw more to make 5 (remote students to be picked up later this week)
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg 9 Little Mouse tear out the booklet have your child read it aloud to you
"I" sight word worksheet
Wednesday 10/21
Sight Word worksheets for the words "to" and "a" (study for sight word test tomorrow)
Eureka math lesson 25 worksheet
Religion packet pg.28-29 (some students finished packets before time and therefore do not have it)
Complete Ready Gen unit 1 assessment before Friday 11:59pm as stated above, and many students have not yet completed. 
Thursday 10/22
Write a sentence with each sight word from above (sight word test results are on an index card in the front pocket of the hw folder)
Eureka math  HW worksheet Lesson 26 
Religion packet pg.30-32
Students may regular clothes tomorrow with $1.00 but they are warned if they do not behave they will have to wear uniform on Fridays. 
Next week I plan on having a small Halloween celebration and will be collecting $4.00 for pizza, juice, and water.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Lesson Plan 10/13-10/16

Thursday is national I Love Lucy Day, students may dress up like one of the characters, contest will be held in class a winner will be chosen. I have seen homework done incorrectly please remember to carefully read directions on Ready Gen Phonics book.

Sight Words

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Continue learning about God's gift of animals, introduce celebrating God all year long
ELA- Ready Gen non fiction text Unit 1 Module B " A Bed For The Winter"
Mathematics- Counting and Cardinality 0-10
Science- Review senses and science tools
Social Studies- Learn about families

Remote students
Packets are available for pick up please make sure you get the correct packet attached will be a math packet, sight word worksheet, and a phonics worksheet
My apologies as the internet went down in the school building this morning the following assignments should have been completed
ELA-  Ready Gen Reader Writers journal pg.50-51
Eureka math packet Lesson 19 Problem Set

Dear Family,
NEW! During the COVID-19 crisis, you can choose to have your child's online book order shipped right to your door or delivered to me with our class order.
All orders earn FREE Books for our class & we thank you for your support!
Class Order Due Date: 11/20/2020
Connect to Our Class Page:
Shop the flyers for your child's grade together:
Please feel free to forward the Class Page link to extended family and friends who may want to support your child's reading.
Ms. Ocasio
Class Code: RWV88

Tuesday 10/13
Write each sight word five times in blue hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 18 and19 hw worksheet
Phonics practice sheet letter Mm
(No Religion hw)
Wednesday 10/14
Sight word worksheet (the)
Eureka math lesson 20 worksheet
Religion packet pg.24-25
Thursday 10/15
Write a sentence with each sight word from this week in blue hw notebook
Eureka math lesson 21 hw worksheet
Religion packet pg.26-27
Tomorrow Friday regular clothes are permitted with a $1.00 donation

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Lesson Plan 10/5-10/9

Friday October 9th early dismissal at 12:00 noon. Home language surveys will be distributed on Monday and should be returned by to school no later than Friday. 

Remote students
Tuesday October 6, I will be on a zoom grade level meeting as per the archdiocese from 8:30 am until 9:30 am and I will require students to log in at 8:00 am for attendance and then they are to log off zoom at 8:30am and return at 9:30 am. 

This week we will be learning the following concepts
Religion- Continue learning about God's gift of the land, then introduce God's gift of animals
ELA- Continue reading the non fiction text "Life in a Pond" 
Mathematics- Numbers 1-10, number words, count to tell how many
Science- Science tools, why do you use them, how do we use them
Social Studies- Learn about self "self identity"

Sight words

Monday 10/5
Write each sight word from this week,  five times in blue hw notebook
Ready Gen phonics workbook pg.77-78 (please do not tear out the page only the decodable booklets are to be torn out for reading purposes.
Eureka Math worksheets lesson 14 and 15 
No religion hw
Remote students can pick up science packets and connecting cubes in a zip lock bag with your child's name
Tuesday 10/6
Eureka math worksheet lesson 16
Ready Gen workbook pg.5-6 (tear out booklet, have your child read it aloud to you, there is no need to cut out the pages simply tear and fold)
Religion packet pg. 18-19 only
Wednesday 10/7
Ready Gen Phonics workbook pg. 7-8 Am I Little ( Tear out the booklet and fold then have your child read it aloud to you)
Religion packet pg. 20-21 only
In person students log into google classroom and complete ELA quiz assignment
Thursday 10/8
Religion packet pg.22-23 only
Eureka math worksheet lesson 17
Write a sentence with each of the sight words form this week
Remote students are to complete math quiz on google classroom
Tomorrow Friday regular clothes with a $1.00 donation please

Lesson Plan 10/4-10/8

  Reminders Monday October 4th Mass at 9:00am, parents are welcomed to join us but have to sit towards the back of the church. Tuesday Octob...